How Do We Scale This? Taking Food Grown in Healthy Soil to the High Street

Old Dairy Tent

This panel will explore ways to democratize consumer access to food grown in regenerative systems without watering down standards (greenwashing) or short-changing the farmer. How do we get food grown in healthy soil to the average customer on the High Street? And how to tell them the story of why this is important? This panel will hear from three experienced voices who are taking soil friendly farming to scale. Edd Lees, CEO of Wildfarmed, which has created a marketplace for farmers and consumers that rewards provenance and quality of crops, soil and ecosystems. Tim Mead, Non-Executive Director of Yeo Valley, one of the largest organic dairy brands in the UK and Dr Emily Bull, Senior Researcher at FAI Farms, a food animal solutions company which partners with farmers and corporations to build positive food systems for people animals and the environment.
