Kay Johnson MBE

Kay Johnson MBE


Kay Johnson was raised on a small farm in Lancashire and has developed and delivered nutrition programmes in the UK and overseas for over 30 years. Kay believes in ‘food fairness for all’ and founded the Larder (Lancashire and Region Dietary Education Resource) 10 years ago with the aim of making fresh local produce affordable to people on low incomes without farmers bearing the cost. The Larder has received several awards for its pioneering work creating a sustainable food system at a local level and in 2020 Kay was awarded an MBE for Services to Nutrition.

It’s LUSH!…(Otherwise Known as) Linking Up Suppliers & Hubs

Grass Tent

This session will explore novel ways that farmers can link into community food hubs and other community-based organisations to increase their reach, bring broader benefit from their farming and provide a whole host of other benefits for both farmer and community Watch here: It’s LUSH!…(Otherwise Known as) Linking Up Suppliers & Hubs