Dr Laura James

Dr Laura James


Laura is an agricultural scientist and senior knowledge transfer manager at the AHDB, with a diverse background in entomology, ecosystem services and environmental safety. She has worked across a diversity of sectors including Industry, academia, NGOs, Intergovernmental Orgs and Charities. Her research has focused on the impacts of changing agricultural landscapes (particularly land and pesticide usage) on beneficial insects, including assessing the impact of sub-lethal pesticide exposure on bumblebee learning and memory.

Sensing Change: Taxonomy or Technology?

Stand DF C38 (AHDB)

In this session we will be joined by two farmers who have taken different approaches to biodiversity baselining, and a farmland ecologist empowering farmers to take control of their own biodiversity data, to ask; ‘does farmland have a lack of biodiversity OR a lack of biodiversity data?’ and ‘Where does the value lie in biodiversity […]