Francesca Cooper

Francesca Cooper


Francesca is co-Director of Nunwell Home Farm, a mixed regenerative farm raising pastured pork and eggs and grass fed beef on the historic Nunwell Estate on the Isle of Wight. The farm was established in 2021 and sells to local customers via home deliveries. Prior to starting the farm Francesca was a Rural Surveyor and now helps their landowner with his wider management of the Estate in addition to the farming business.

Clarity, Community & Ownership – Empowering Farms to Successfully Outwinter

Stand DF C38 (AHDB)

Outwintering practices, such as bale grazing, are gaining traction throughout the UK, with farmers increasingly adopting these systems. Those implementing these systems are citing cost reductions, improved soil carbon management, and enhanced animal health. Despite these reported benefits, there remains a lack of robust quality, performance, and financial data to substantiate these claims. In response […]