Jo Poulton

Jo Poulton


Jo Poulton is a new entrant veg grower based in Shropshire. Through traineeships and paid employment, Jo quickly became aware of just how little those who produce our food received financially. Believing in a better world, she started talking to colleagues and other growers about her idea of a campaign for a Basic Income for Farmers and found great support along with a clear hunger for change in the sector. Alongside veg growing at a market garden, Jo now leads the Basic Income for Farmers working group and wider campaign, writing discussion papers, co-ordinating surveys and organising discussions around the theme of financial security.

Soapbox Hour – 8 Minute Big Ideas

Seminar Tent

Hear 5 big ideas in 8 minutes each: *GM Methods Provide Nature-Based Solutions for Crop Disease Control (Jonathan Jones) *Tea, Soil & Social (Lucy George & Ottilie Cunningham) *A Carbon Negative, Community Supported, Soil Regenerative Model (Michael Kennard) *Basic Income for Farmers (Jo Poulton) *Horses for Healthy Land (Annabel Holmes) Watch here: Soapbox Hour – […]