Brendan Costelloe

Brendan Costelloe


Brendan is Policy and Strategy Director at The Soil Association. He was formerly a non-political advisor to the Secretary of State for Defra, following roles at the RSPB and the British Ecological Society.

Most recently he has been engaging the private sector as an Associate Director at Biodiversify. Brendan is also a trustee for a small development charity in Malawi focusing on education, and he sits on the Cotswold National Landscape Conservation Board.

What are the Potential Risks & Rewards of Gene-Editing in Sustainable Food & Farming?

Seminar Tent

Since the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act was passed into law last year, gene-edited, or ‘precision bred’ organisms (PBOs) could soon become a reality England. But what are the implications of this emerging legislation, and what safeguards need to be put in place to protect and inform farmers and consumers alike? In this session, we […]