Alex Adam

Alex Adam


Alex works for The River Trust with responsibility for establishing the Water Stewardship service, which aims to help business and others work collaboratively to deliver sustainable solutions for water at a catchment scale. He is the UK lead for the Courtauld 2030 commitment for collective action on water and a founding member of the Riverscapes partnership with the Woodland Trust, National Trust and Beaver Trust. Before joining The River Trust`s he worked at WWF -UK and before that spent 14 years at Defra and Natural England working on the design and delivery of agri-environment schemes.

Water: Dealing with Flood, Drought & Pollution

Agroforestry Tent (PF B12)

Extreme weather events are moving from the exception to the norm, while increasing in frequency and severity. Flood damage alone already costs the UK £1.3 billion a year – a number likely to rise as the Met Office predicts flash floods could be five times more likely by the end of the century. Meanwhile scorching […]