Oliver Clark-Hattingh

Oliver Clark-Hattingh


Oliver is a scientific specialist in entomology, working within the Agroecology group at Rothamsted Research in Integrated Pest Management. He is currently studying bioacoustic monitoring of oilseed rape pests. He gained his MSc in Biodiversity Conservation with a specialisation in dung beetle ecology. Oliver is passionate about supporting the adaptation of agricultural systems to increase resilience to climate change and improve their capacity to conserve biodiversity.

How to Identify & Monitor Beneficial Beetles on Your Farm

Speaker's Corner

A session describing why and how to monitor beneficial beetles on farms. This will focus on carabid beetles that eat crop pests and weed seeds, and the farm measures that can encourage abundance and diversity of species in different systems. Attendees will learn why and how to trap beneficial beetles on their farms, and there […]