Anthony Ellis

Anthony Ellis


Anthony was brought up on a mixed family farm in South East Cornwall where he now farms alongside his father and brother. He has a passion for producing nutritious, environmentally responsible food both at home and with his customers, fostering a keen interest in the soil with those he works with. Anthony has 15 years experience as an agronomic and environmental professional and has worked as an agronomist in the UK and South Australia covering a wide variety of combinable, forage and pasture crops. Anthony’s time in Australia set him up with a sound footing in soil health and science, a base that he has built on since his return to the UK working with partner organisations to understand the role and response of soil organic carbon within various farming systems. With increasing public interest in where and how food is produced, and an increasing awareness of regenerative and conservation agriculture in the farming community, Anthony has been working with a number of clients across the south west to help move them towards more regenerative systems, with a keen eye on whole farm profitability and an understanding that each farm is different. He is fully FACTS and BASIS qualified.

Agriculture & Climate Change…Who is Responsible for What?

Speaker's Corner

With all the flack being chucked at farming for being responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions, our panel delves into the truth behind some of these figures