Dr Lydia Smith

Dr Lydia Smith


Lydia has over 35 years of applied farmer-facing work especially in novel/underutilised crops and their impact on soil health and microbial interactions. She has engaged with wide-ranging research related to the impact on soil health and farming efficiency, most recently leading development of farmer-focussed approaches to enhancing soil health through cropping choices; especially those associated with carbon-capture and deep rooting characters. She is currently project lead for the Centre for High Carbon Capture Cropping

Making Best Use of Genetic Resources for Regenerative Agriculture

Seminar Tent

NIAB is integrating regen-ag objectives into its genetics and pre-breeding activities, for example by improving the performance and viability of N-fixing pulse cropping options, investigating novel crop opportunities, and even exploring the potential for cover crops to become an additional source of revenue within the rotation. NIAB’s Professor Mario Caccamo, Dr Phil Howell and Dr […]