Gut&Bösel — Insights From Transforming a 7500 Acre Organic Farm & Forestry in one of the Driest Areas of Germany

The Study

Facing the challenges of climate change on the dry and sandy soils of their farm east of Berlin, Benedikt Bösel and his team have adapted different methods of regenerative agriculture such as holistic grazing, syntropic agroforestry and composting.

To create a living lab on the land of ’Gut&Bösel’, Benedikt, in 2021, founded the “Finck Foundation” that researches, educates and manages nature conservacy projects – right on the farm.

As an advocate for regenerative farming, Benedikt became one of the most prominent voices of agriculture in Germany. Listen to his story from an investment banker to a regenerative farmer – from the ups and downs of transforming a farm, building a non-profit, finding partners and supporters, the brutal reality of climate change and the great hope and joy a life of farming gives.

Watch here: Gut&Bösel