Adele Jones

Adele Jones


Adele Jones is Executive Director at the Sustainable Food Trust. She has been with the SFT since 2013, and now oversees the organisation’s strategic activities. In recent years, one of her major focuses has been the development of a project called the Global Farm Metric – an internationally common framework for measuring on-farm sustainability. She is currently an advisor to the Scottish Government. In 2020 she undertook a part time secondment with the Welsh Government, and in 2019 she completed a part-time secondment with DEFRA, both times working to develop metrics for monitoring the new post-Brexit farm support schemes. Previous to these roles, Adele has a background in geography and soil science.

The Future of Small Abattoirs & Local Meat

Soil Tent

The future of local and regenerative meat production depends on a viable network of small abattoirs and butchers. This session will explore how to revitalise the sector, protecting existing businesses and creating new abattoir provision. We will cover key issues including the need for more skilled workers, the value of by-products, the role of regulation […]