Andy Cato

Andy Cato


Knighted with the French Chevalier de l’Orde du Mérite Agricole, winner of the 2020 Agro-ecological innovation prize, and Grammy award-winning musician, it’s been 15 years since Andy Cato first read about the damaging environmental consequences of the food system and set about to create a better one. A quest to become self-sufficient led to a fascination with the soil, plants and the miracle at work in the few inches of topsoil that sustains us. He sold the rights to his songs to buy a farm and join the ranks of those building new kinds of farming systems. Alongside co-founders George Lamb and Edd Lees, he established Wildfarmed, a pioneering regenerative farming company, in the belief that food is our greatest point of agency for tackling the crises facing us. By giving people affordable food choices that allow them to participate in restoring nature, we can not only fix our food system, but fix our planet.

Andy Cato & Henry Dimbleby; Transforming the Food Landscape at Scale, Can it be Done?

Big Top

Henry Dimbleby, in the National Food Strategy (2022) and his book Ravenous (2023) has focused public attention on the urgent challenges facing the food system and how we must work together, across farming, government and industry, to build a system which is good for the health of people and the planet. Andy Cato, Grammy Award […]