Angus Western

Angus Western


Well-engineered design in key muck spreader feature areas such as the rotors, bed and body can help to ensure loads are spread quickly and evenly, for a fast turnaround and accurate application, believes Angus Western, managing director at Richard Western Ltd. With the value of manure and other waste materials as both a nutrient and a soil structure-building organic matter source becoming more significant, he urges those looking to invest in a new spreader to see it in action and consider the effect of its design principles on its ability to spread loads thoroughly, precisely and quickly.

Making the Most of Manure

Stand DF A52 (Richard Western)

With agronomic focus on soil’s organic matter content – and its effect on structure and health – having become more intensive over recent years, the role muck spreader design plays in ensuring manure is applied thoroughly and accurately to maximise its value has also become more important. Whatever the material, a well-processed, even application will […]


Making the Most of Manure

Stand DF A52 (Richard Western)

With agronomic focus on soil’s organic matter content – and its effect on structure and health – having become more intensive over recent years, the role muck spreader design plays in ensuring manure is applied thoroughly and accurately to maximise its value has also become more important. Whatever the material, a well-processed, even application will […]
