Anna Krzywoszynska

Anna Krzywoszynska


Anna Krzywoszynska is an Associate Professor in Human-Environment Relations at the University of Oulu, Finland. Her research concerns focus is environmental knowledge and sustainable food systems, and she has written a lot on regenerative agriculture (you can easily find her papers which are all open access). She is the founder of the community for the soil-curious, the Soil Care Network.

Why Regen Ag?

Big Top

Joel Williams and Anna K lead a discussion on why a move to Regen Ag is the right move – both from a science and mindset viewpoint Watch here: Why Regen Ag?


Building Enthusiasm & Building the Evidence Base for Regenerative Agriculture

Breakout Tent

Thanks to the regen ag movement, farming is exciting again. At the same time, transitioning into regen ag, sticking to it, can be seen as risky. What can we do to make regen ag attractive and interesting to a new generation of farmers? And what can we do to support farmers in their transition, and […]