Ben Andrews

Ben Andrews


Ben is an organic and agroecological, fourth generation, mixed farmer from Herefordshire – producing vegetables, cereals and beef. He is one of Soil Association’s ‘Agroecology Ambassadors’, and is committed to showcasing nature-friendly farming, using social media to teach the public and fellow farmers about agroecology and organic food production. Ben is also heavily involved with Agrespect, a pioneering network for rural LGBTQ+ communities, aiming to unite celebrate and encourage greater diversity and inclusiveness in the farming world.

Water: Dealing with Flood, Drought & Pollution

Agroforestry Tent (PF B12)

Extreme weather events are moving from the exception to the norm, while increasing in frequency and severity. Flood damage alone already costs the UK £1.3 billion a year – a number likely to rise as the Met Office predicts flash floods could be five times more likely by the end of the century. Meanwhile scorching […]