Chris Molyneux

Chris Molyneux


Chris Molyneux is a vegetable farmer from Ormskirk in Lancashire. His family have been farming in the region since the Norman Conquest but Chris has driven the business to producing high quality kales all year round. Molyneux Kale are constantly driving to improve their crops and benefit the wider environment. Through their own bespoke breeding programmes to developing a method of strip tillage, Chris and the team are always moving forward. With a keen interest in understanding how and why strip tilling is benefitting his crops Chris is keen to join with Innovative Farmers and the Soil Association to expand existing work in this area.

What’s Happening Below the Surface to Drive the Change? Soil Health in Horticultural Strip Tillage Systems

Grass Tent

Why and how does strip tillage in vegetable crops benefit the soil and its biology? We take a whistle stop tour of the fundamentals of utilising strip tillage techniques in field scale vegetables to understand not only the practical benefits to the grower but what is driving this below the surface. Watch here: Soil Health […]