Christian Gossell

Christian Gossell


Christian is the Farm Sustainability Researcher at the Organic Research Centre having joined in 2023 after completing an MSc in Agroforestry & Food Security at Bangor University. He led on work commissioned by CPRE to investigate how and where the national hedgerow targets can be met. While agroforestry is of particular interest, Christian covers a range of projects from the application of ORC’s Public Goods Tool in developing organic policy with Defra to developing a decentralized protocol for organic wheat variety analysis in the UK through the European LIVESEEDING project.

Aiming High for Hedgerows

Agroforestry Tent (PF B12)

Hedgerows are an iconic part of the British landscape with lots of practical, ecological and aesthetic value. But an enormous amount of a once extensive hedgerow network has been lost. To address this, in its Environmental Improvement Plan (2023) the Government has set the target to create or restore 30,000 miles of hedgerow by 2037 […]