Dan Crossley

Dan Crossley


Dan Crossley is Executive Director at the Food Ethics Council, the not-for-profit working to facilitate shifts to food systems that are fairer for people, animals and the planet. Dan has worked on food sustainability issues for 20 years, leading work on a range of issues, from our relationship with meat to tackling household food insecurity to power dynamics in the food system. He writes a regular monthly column for the Grocer.

What are the Potential Risks & Rewards of Gene-Editing in Sustainable Food & Farming?

Seminar Tent

Since the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act was passed into law last year, gene-edited, or ‘precision bred’ organisms (PBOs) could soon become a reality England. But what are the implications of this emerging legislation, and what safeguards need to be put in place to protect and inform farmers and consumers alike? In this session, we […]


It’s LUSH!…(Otherwise Known as) Linking Up Suppliers & Hubs

Grass Tent

This session will explore novel ways that farmers can link into community food hubs and other community-based organisations to increase their reach, bring broader benefit from their farming and provide a whole host of other benefits for both farmer and community