David Wolfe

David Wolfe


Amanda and David Wolfe, and David’s brother Toby, have been evolving one of the oldest and most diverse agroforestry systems into a sustainable agroforestry community based on short food chains and stacked enterprises since 2019. David and Amanda see their role as being to facilitate and enable the wide and varied talents of the community of people now living and working at Wakelyns and ensure it continues as a vibrant hub for people to visit, learn and enjoy.

Wakelyns: 30 Years of Agroforestry Innovation

Agroforestry Tent (PF B12)

In March 1994 the first trees of Wakelyns Agroforestry were planted to begin fulfilling the vision of Professor Martin Wolfe and his wife Ann for a sustainable and adaptable farming model based on agroforestry to challenge the status quo of prevailing intensive monoculture. Designed to be a demonstration of different types of agroforestry, which was […]