Douglas Brown

Douglas Brown


Douglas is a principal field research scientist for ADAS. He has a BSc in Ecology & Conservation and specialises in botanical survey fieldwork, arable plant ecology, and soil physical assessments.

The research he works on includes non-chemical weed control methods, herbicide resistance testing, and the use of cover crops for pollution alleviation and nitrogen efficiency. Douglas has worked extensively on the long term mob grazing experimental trial – including biodiversity data collection at Weston Park Farm, as part of a project to better understand the benefits and trade-offs in alternative grazing systems.

Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]


Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]
