Dr Belinda Kemp

Dr Belinda Kemp


Belinda is the Group Leader at NIAB providing scientific leadership in viticulture and oenology research and the development of the Wine Innovation Centre. She received a PhD in 2010 at Lincoln University, New Zealand studying Pinot noir tannin, flavour and sensory characteristics of wine and gained practical wine making experience working in commercial wineries in New Zealand and the UK. After lecturing in Viticulture at Plumpton College, Belinda joined the Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) in Ontario, Canada as Principal Scientist from 2013 until 2023 when she joined NIAB to lead the grape and wine research. She is currently leading the newly established International Cool Climate Regenerative Viticulture Hub (ICCRV), which consists of scientists in cooler grape regions who are studying regenerative viticulture topics.

The Honest Truth – What do we Know About Regenerative Viticulture in the UK?

Breakout Tent

The UK wine industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, leading to concerns about negative environmental impacts associated with traditional viticulture practices. There is a growing interest in regenerative viticulture, despite very little UK-based research existing, leaving grape growers to experiment with techniques borrowed from other agricultural fields with varying degrees of success. This […]