Elizabeth Stockdale

Elizabeth Stockdale


Elizabeth Stockdale is a soil specialist with over 30 years applied research experience in UK farming systems. She recently led the development of farmer-focussed approaches to measurement of soil health and on-farm toolkits for improved soil management. She leads farmer engagement and the development of training and KE materials to support farming system change to meet Net Zero targets and climate change adaptation and for regenerative agriculture more widely. She is also working with farmers to draw on their local knowledge to support the development of innovative regenerative solutions to meet long-term challenges (food production, environmental impacts, landscape restoration).

Regen Research Priorities

The Study

Where would the research effort and investment best help regenerative farming? Hear the findings from two recent reviews – a stocktake of farmers’ top priorities from across all sectors gathered by the NFU and Centre for Effective Innovation in Agriculture, and an independent assessment of the evidence on regen ag by ORC, NIAB and Agritech-E. […]


Do We Sometimes Need to Break the Regen Principles to Get Regen Outcomes?

Seminar Tent

If we recognise that context is key to effective implementation of the regenerative principles to deliver high quality food, soil and biodiversity outcomes whilst achieving Net Zero, then are there some circumstances where we need to break the regen principles to get regen outcomes? For example in drained lowland peat landscapes, water management is key […]


Embedding Regen Principles Into Global Supply Chains: How Can it be Done?

Seminar Tent

A systematic shift to regenerative agriculture requires participation across the whole supply chain, from farmers, agronomists, policy-makers and manufacturers, through to retailers and consumers. How can a consumer goods multi-national re-engineer its supply chain and embed regenerative agriculture principles within it? Unilever has nine regenerative agriculture projects globally, across 48,000 hectares. With plans to expand […]