Emily Grant

Emily Grant


Emily Grant is an independent consultant and facilitator. Her business, Forrit, specialises in helping sheep and beef producers develop resilient pasture-based farming systems. She works both one-to-one and with farmer groups or innovation projects. Emily is based in Perthshire, where she farms. Initially the business focused on producing prime lambs from pasture, but with a strong interest in genetics and performance recording, the opportunity arose to partner with Innovis producing Abertex and Abermax rams. Still working with Innovis, the farm is now a dedicated ram growing unit. Emily is also a member of the Farmstrong Scotland Steering Group, working to set up a farmer aimed well-being programme in Scotland

Clarity, Community & Ownership – Empowering Farms to Successfully Outwinter

Stand DF C38 (AHDB)

Outwintering practices, such as bale grazing, are gaining traction throughout the UK, with farmers increasingly adopting these systems. Those implementing these systems are citing cost reductions, improved soil carbon management, and enhanced animal health. Despite these reported benefits, there remains a lack of robust quality, performance, and financial data to substantiate these claims. In response […]


Extending the Grazing Season: Optimising Winter Forage for Livestock & Soil Health

Seminar Tent

Outwintering livestock for part or all of the winter can be a great alternative to housing, but it requires careful management to ensure animals and soil are not stressed and maintain good condition. In this session three Innovative Farmers trialists will talk about their experiences investigating different approaches to extending the grazing season. These include […]