Hannah Thorogood

Hannah Thorogood


Hannah Thorogood is an organic, regenerative farmer in Lincolnshire, a permaculture teacher and works for Pasture for Life as the regional facilitator for East Midlands. Hannah is passionate about multiple enterprise farms adding resilience to the farm economy and ecosystem, whilst creating opportunities for jobs, a wider portfolio of farm produce and farm income streams. Hannah is working with pasture for life, to look forward into a space where there may be an opportunity for producers to certify pasture raised pig systems on their farms.

Pastured Poultry – When Economic & Environmental Benefit Meet

Soil Tent

Following on from the pastured poultry 101 session last year, this session will be looking at case studies of a range of pastured poultry systems. Each farmer will introduce the nuts and bolts and numbers of their system, discussing the environmental and economic benefits of poultry to their farms. We will lead onto an interactive […]


Integrating Pigs into Regenerative Farms

The Study

Is it possible for pigs to fit into a regenerative farming system? Can pigs bring benefits to other elements of the farming model? We’ll be answering these questions and more, with a panel of farmers from varying backgrounds, all running pigs within their farm businesses. We’ll be looking at the different ways pigs can be […]