Izzy Eames

Izzy Eames


Izzy is the AHDB’s Knowledge Exchange Manager for Cereals & Oilseeds in the North East and an upland beef & sheep farmer from the North West. Izzy’s work revolves around creating environments where people feel empowered to share insights and learn from one another. She is also passionate about the opportunities that cover cropping can bring to those who use them on farm and is adamant that they go beyond creating healthy soils but also nurture healthy minds. She is currently helping lead the UK’s first independent guide to cover crops.

‘Leying Under Cover’ – Does it Stack up?

Stand DF C38 (AHDB)

Return on Investment from cover crops and herbal leys in the arable rotation means different things to different people; can you quantify it, is it worth it, and how do you maximise it?