James Standen

James Standen


James Standen is the Farms Director for Newcastle University Farms.  The University has two farms, Cockle Park and Nafferton, which are farmed as one business with a dairy herd, breeder finisher pig unit and arable enterprise, most of the land is conventional although there is an area of organic land at Nafferton along with a large block of agroforestry at Cockle Park.  The farms have a commercial emphasis but most importantly provide a facility for teaching and research both for the University and other users. In addition to the farming operations there is an area under short rotation coppice, woodland and let properties.

James also farms in partnership with his wife on a tenanted arable and livestock farm with a holiday let and fishing lakes.  The farm is run on a low input basis with the sheep integrated into the arable land grazing crops and herbal leys within the rotation.  The farm has an environmental focus supported with survey work which provides a platform for training days, courses and open days.

James is an appointee on the NFU Combinable Crops Board and an AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Sector Council Member.