Jeff Allen

Jeff Allen


With his wife Sue, Jeff is co-founder and director of Microbz and VisionWorks Life Skills. Born on a farm in northwestern Kenya, Jeff formed an early and powerful connection to the land and the wildlife of Africa before settling in England. In 2008, Jeff travelled with a philanthropist to US, Europe and Australia in search of environmental solutions, and encountered microbial technology in agriculture in Austria and Germany. Jeff has pioneered fermenting microbes with herbs and minerals, initially to support personal and family health challenges, and established the brewery at Microbz HQ in Wiltshire. He is fascinated by the world of microbes and dedicated to scaling up microbial solutions for agriculture.


The Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) Crisis & What we Can do to Prevent it

Soil Tent

Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) is a systemic issue deeply ingrained in our food and farming system. We know that AMR is driven by consumption of antibiotics by humans and animals, but the issue is wider than this. Agrichemical inputs also play a role, and depletion of the soil is exacerbated by AMR. Antibiotics (and resistant bacteria) […]