John Plumb

John Plumb


John farms with his family in North Warwickshire on the edge of the Birmingham conurbation.  The mixed enterprises of livestock and arable are run on regenerative principles.  Being close to so many people brings challenges but also opportunities, and much time is now given to hosting educational visits; mainstream schools, special needs, and community groups.  We recognise the value of access to green space, both to food production and to God’s amazing creation of nature.  Our partnership with LEAF Education is an inspiration as together we showcase our wonderful countryside.

How do we Inspire the Next Generation of Sustainable Food Producers?

Speaker's Corner

Join LEAF’s panelists to consider how young people view food production and how we can better connect people with our industry. Through this panel we want to inspire and motivate farmers to connect with young people of all ages by hearing their perspectives, thoughts and opinions of our industry while engaging them in the vital […]