Jude Bennison

Jude Bennison


Jude Bennison is a senior research entomologist with ADAS, with 42 years’ experience in entomology and research on developing biological control and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies in horticultural crops and in knowledge exchange with the industry to facilitate commercial uptake.

She has a UK and international reputation in IPM research, consultancy and knowledge exchange and a track record in leading and collaborating in many IPM projects funded by Defra, AHDB Horticulture, Horticulture LINK and industry. Jude is an active member of International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC) working groups in IPM in soft fruit and protected crops.  She is a regular speaker on new IPM strategies at UK and international conferences and industry events and author of many scientific papers, reviews, factsheets, best-practice IPM guides and other knowledge exchange publications.  One of her interests is developing novel methods for farmers and growers to boost numbers of natural enemies in their crops.

Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]


Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]
