Dr Julia Cooper

Dr Julia Cooper


Julia Cooper is a soil scientist and Head of Research at the Organic Research Centre. She leads a team focused on using participatory action research to promote more sustainable farming methods. Her expertise lies in studying how carbon and nitrogen move through agricultural systems, with a goal of improving soil health and nutrient use efficiency. Julia designs cropping systems that maximize crop growth and minimize environmental harm by understanding soil biology. Her work aims to provide solid evidence for effective soil management practices.

Regen Research Priorities

The Study

Where would the research effort and investment best help regenerative farming? Hear the findings from two recent reviews – a stocktake of farmers’ top priorities from across all sectors gathered by the NFU and Centre for Effective Innovation in Agriculture, and an independent assessment of the evidence on regen ag by ORC, NIAB and Agritech-E. […]


Feed the Soil – Innovations in Composting for Soil & Crop Health

The Study

Composted organic waste is a key input to provide food to soil organisms and build soil health and fertility in farming systems. Join us for this session to hear practical advice into how Johnson-Su, hot composting and vermicomposting techniques can be adopted and to find out what science and research is telling us about the […]