Julian Madeley

Julian Madeley


Julian is responsible for farming the 500 acre Eaton Manor Country Estate in the South Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  The farm has arable cropping surrounded by woodland, rewilded areas and Mid-tier Stewardship areas. Eaton Manor is also home to a thriving event and accommodation business run by his sister Nichola.

Julian first became interested in regenerative farming as a way to help build resilience in the soil particularly during wet autumns, and watching how the estate gardens were managed through a “no-dig policy”.

Although his background is in mixed farming and egg production, Julian has professional training and experience in International Government Relations, which led him to establish his own Event Management and Communications business with his wife Adrianna.

Julian is also currently CEO of the World Egg Organisation, working with egg farmers in over 80 countries and has just stepped down as a Founding Trustee and Managing Director of the International Egg Foundation (IEF) after his maximum 9 year term.

Julian wants to leave the soils at Eaton Manor to his sons in a least as good as a position as when he took them on as a naïve teenager in 1986.