Lizzie Sagoo

Lizzie Sagoo


Lizzie is Associate Managing Director of the ADAS Sustainable Agricultural Systems Business. She is a Soil Scientist by training, with specialist knowledge of soil and nutrient management and diffuse pollution of air and water from agricultural systems. Lizzie joined ADAS in 2003 following a PhD at the University of Leeds. Lizzie has worked on several applied research projects in the areas soil & nutrient management, manging manures, reducing diffuse pollution from agriculture and the development of practical farmer decision support tools. She led the recently completed multi-partner EU Interreg project ‘Increasing the speed and uptake of innovation in the field vegetable and potato sectors: defining a new approach for delivering cost effective research (INNO-VEG)’

What’s Happening Below the Surface to Drive the Change? Soil Health in Horticultural Strip Tillage Systems

Grass Tent

Why and how does strip tillage in vegetable crops benefit the soil and its biology? We take a whistle stop tour of the fundamentals of utilising strip tillage techniques in field scale vegetables to understand not only the practical benefits to the grower but what is driving this below the surface.