Lucia Monje-Jelfs

Lucia Monje-Jelfs


Lucia is a Senior Policy Officer at the Soil Association, focusing on farming and land use issues. She is Anglo-Colombian and grew up between the UK, France, Brazil and Colombia, before pursuing her studies in geography, anthropology, and food system sustainability in Edinburgh and Bristol. She is passionate about the role of agroecological farming in the transition to healthier, fairer, and more sustainable food systems.

Home-Grown: How Can UK Horticulture Flourish in the Future?

Breakout Tent

Horticulture plays a key role in agroecological and organic food systems, but has been confronted with several systemic challenges. Together, the panel will look at how these challenges may be overcome, and how we can scale up regenerative fruit and vegetable production in the UK. Horticulture plays a key role in agroecological and organic food […]