Mark Franklin

Mark Franklin


Mark Franklin works as an outreach adviser with the Woodland Trust in Southeast England. He works with landowners from all sectors supporting delivery of agroforestry schemes, woodland restoration and management, woodland creation, and veteran tree management. His work centres on nurturing existing and integrating more trees, often within farmed landscapes, and demonstrating that big woody plants are invaluable assets and problem solvers, as well as amazing. Growing up on a rural estate in Hertfordshire, his experience developed through early practice in dairy farming, through arboriculture, forestry, and conservation land management, working both as a contractor and consultant

Managing Farm Woodlands

Safari Tent

Join a walk to a woodland on Lannock Farm, Groundswell; discover some of the key areas for consideration when bringing a farm woodland back into management. Together with advisors from the Woodland Trust, we will talk through the condition of the wood, identify any threats and constraints, solutions and opportunities integrating into the farm business. […]
