Nena Foster

Nena Foster


Nena is a qualified Natural Chef (College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM)), food educator & food writer, ex-food stylist and a Functional Medicine Health Coach (Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM)) with a PhD in the Sociology of Health & Illness.

While there may be many strings to her apron bow, every element of her work aims to bring joy, simplicity and accessibility back into eating healthily and sustainably. She is passionate about helping people to gain the nutritional knowledge and the kitchen skills to enjoy natural whole foods and in doing so to create healthier, happier lives.


Reversing Our Reliance on Ultra Processed Foods: How has our Food System Led us to Rely on UPFs & What Can we do to Change This?

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Come to this session hungry for a return to real food! Mallika Basu, food writer, culture commentator and host of the Good Food (formerly BBC Good Food) podcast will lead a lively debate on what led to the high proportion of UPFs in our diet. The panel will be talking about those subverting the system, […]