Nicola Renison

Nicola Renison


Nicola Renison farms with her husband Reno in Cumbria, the daughter of dairy farmers, Nic grew up within the conventional, high production ag environment, growing food with little thought of the environment, ‘it just wasn’t on our radar’. It wasn’t until in 2012 when the Renison’s started farming their own land they started to think more regeneratively, this wasn’t because they wanted to save the world it was because they needed to pay the bills!

The last ten years have been a journey of both practical ‘re-learning’ and a total change in mindset, they now farm 80 suckler cows, with laying hens following the cows around in an ‘egg mobile’, also a handful of woodland pigs.

How to Feed the Good Wolf? Empowering Farmers to Think Positively

Soil Tent

Carbon Calling CIC wants to empower farmers to realise their own potential, and to make changes on their farms to improve resilience and well-being. This session will bring together a range of livestock farmers who have made changes on their farms, and how it has impacted on the financial sustainability of their farm, the biodiversity […]