Paul Cherry

Paul Cherry


Paul Cherry farms 1,000 hectares with his brother in North Hertfordshire.

He is passionate about soil health and in 2011 they moved the arable operation to a completely no-till system and have since gone away from using any insecticides. The farm grows a range of cereals and legumes using a strictly regenerative farming technique – minimal soil disturbance, use of cover crops whenever possible and integrating livestock into the arable rotation.

They also run a 130 head beef shorthorn suckler cow herd fattening all the young stock on a purely pasture and straw based diet and mob stocking the herd on pastures and herbal leys in the summer months. No fertiliser or wormers are used on the grassland or livestock.

Paul and his family host and run the Groundswell Conference, which in its 8th year has become the flagship event for regenerative agriculture attracting speakers and delegates from across the globe.

Mob Grazing Demo

Safari Tent

Join John & Paul Cherry (Host farmers) as they demonstrate moving the mob on the herbal ley and answering any questions.

Demonstration Safari/Walk

Mob Grazing Demo

Safari Tent

Join John & Paul Cherry (Host farmers) as they demonstrate moving the mob on the herbal ley and answering any questions.

Demonstration Safari/Walk