Sarah Brockless

Sarah Brockless


Sarah is the Spains Hall Estate ecologist, responsible for ecological survey, research, and monitoring work. She has been instrumental in designing the 380hectare Ecological Landscape Plan and works alongside the Estate team to implement the Agri-Environment and Biodiversity Net Gain Schemes on the ground. Since graduating from Aberdeen University, Sarah has spent her 30 year career working on farmland, as both a research scientist, studying a wide range of species and habitats, and an Ecologist, helping landowners and farmers to restore the balance between profitable farming and conservation.

Setting up an Agroforestry Nut System in Synergy With Landscape Scale Biodiversity

Breakout Tent

Spains Hall Estate are in the process of setting up a large-scale agroforestry nut system interspersed with a complex, connecting mosaic of farmland conservation habitats. This presentation will cover the practical aspects of planning and the implementation of this landscape scale project across 380hectares of typical Essex arable farmland. We will discuss the synergy between […]