Steve Townsend

Steve Townsend


Steve has been working in agriculture for 44 years, ex RHM, Kenneth Wilson & Monsanto. For the last 23 years Steve has been working with farmers advising them on Conservation Agriculture systems in the UK, Ireland & Europe as Soil First Farming. Soil First Farming is a company dedicated to making farmer’s more profit by improving their soil’s structure and fertility through reduced cultivations, and a focus on inputs. A unique nutrition business was added in 2005 to complement clients soil fertility

Steve is a founder and current treasurer of BASE-UK, a farmer led organisation dedicated to with over 300 members. BASE-UK exists to aid the transfer of knowledge between members on Conservation Agriculture techniques with a variety of seminars and on farm meetings throughout the UK.

During his (very limited) spare time Steve is a keen hobby farmer keeping sheep and occasionally pigs on 25 acres in Gloucestershire.