Stewart Arbuckle

Stewart Arbuckle


Co-founder and CTO of Agricarbon, a company that has solved the global challenge of accurately and robustly measuring soil carbon stocks at scale. It provides affordable, accurate audits, based on high-intensity direct sampling and automated analysis. Therefore, underpinning carbon-buyer confidence in soil carbon sequestration. In turn, this unlocks a wealth of value and finance to support the global transition to regenerative farming and a healthier planet.

Agricarbon’s ‘Carbonforce’ in Action!

Stand PF E8 (Agricarbon)

Agricarbon is a leading company specializing in soil carbon measurement and monitoring. The data gives you control of your soil; enabling you to make informed decisions about land management and you can choose whether to monetize your carbon. Agricarbon is entirely independent from any trader or purchaser, providing a trusted, unbiased, and scientifically rigorous service. […]


Agricarbon’s ‘Carbonforce’ in Action!

Stand PF E8 (Agricarbon)

Agricarbon is a leading company specializing in soil carbon measurement and monitoring. The data gives you control of your soil; enabling you to make informed decisions about land management and you can choose whether to monetize your carbon. Agricarbon is entirely independent from any trader or purchaser, providing a trusted, unbiased, and scientifically rigorous service. […]
