Sarah Langford

Sarah Langford


Sarah Langford was a criminal and family barrister before writing her bestselling book ‘In Your Defence’. During this time she took on the management of her parents in law’s 200-acre organic farm in Suffolk, an account of which forms part of her second book, ‘Rooted: How Regenerative Farming Can Change The World’ published by Penguin in 2022. She is currently writing her third book. Sarah regularly speaks and writes about food, farming and the natural world for broadsheets, magazines and podcasts and recently gained a distinction on the Graduate Diploma in Agriculture at the RAU.

Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future launches at Groundswell! Chris Smaje In Conversation with Sarah Langford

Speaker's Corner

In the face of ongoing food, energy and environmental crises, Chris Smaje, farmer and social scientist, has become one of the most prescient voices on the future of farming. In his new book he tackles the false promises and unconsidered consequences of food techno-solutions advocated by ecomodernists like George Monbiot, arguing why farming is essential […]

Book Signing