Vicki Hird

Vicki Hird


Vicki Hird MSc FRES is the Strategic Lead on Agriculture for The Wildlife Trusts UK and was until recently Head of the Sustainable Farming Campaign for Sustain: The Alliance for Better Food and Farming. She is also a published author and runs an independent consultancy. As an experienced and award-winning environmental campaigner, researcher, writer and strategist working for the past 30 years mainly on food, farming and environmental issues and solutions, Vicki has worked on government policy for many years authored ‘Perfectly Safe to Eat? The facts on food’ in 2000, and has led teams at FoE, War on Want, WSPA and SAFE Alliance. She has co-founded many organisations including Sustain, Hackney Food Partnership and the Eating Better Alliance – and has written and campaigned extensively at a global, EU and national level. Vicki’s other passion is insects and other invertebrates and she has a Masters in Pest Management and is a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (FRES). Her new book – ‘Rebugging the Planet-The Remarkable Things that Insects (and Other Invertebrates) Do – and Why we need to love them more’.

Regen at Landscape Scale – Partnerships, Opportunities & Pitfalls

Big Top

This session will be helping delegates to understand how working across a whole landscape or catchment can work – looking at some of the existing programmes in the Wildlife Trust Federation such as Wilder Marches across 4 counties and 2 countries and with many partners. They will hear from farmers and practitioners on what works, […]


ELMs – Where Are We Now? And Where Do We Need To Be?

Breakout Tent

The past few years with ELMs have not been an easy ride, with delays, mistakes and changes to the various schemes. Despite these stumbling blocks, ambitious agri-environmental schemes have the potential to help transform our landscape into one which delivers for nature and for farmers. We speak to farmers and experts in order to understand […]