Dr Kelly Jowett

Dr Kelly Jowett


Kelly is an entomologist working on the design of cropping systems and landscapes to reconcile crop and livestock production with biodiversity and ecosystem services. She has a particular interest in the functional biodiversity of carabid and dung beetles, and working with farmers to apply her research. Kelly completed her PhD on the modelling of carabid beetle distributions in farm landscapes towards effective natural-enemy pest control. She has an MRes in Global Food Security and Development, and a BSc(H) in Environmental Conservation. She has expertise in agricultural entomology, forestry, agricultural systems, and communications.

How to Identify & Monitor Beneficial Beetles on Your Farm

Speaker's Corner

A session describing why and how to monitor beneficial beetles on farms. This will focus on carabid beetles that eat crop pests and weed seeds, and the farm measures that can encourage abundance and diversity of species in different systems. Attendees will learn why and how to trap beneficial beetles on their farms, and there […]


How to Run a Good On-Farm Trial

The Study

Farmers that undertake on-farm experiments can benefit from increased yields and reduced input costs. However it is challenging to properly design experiments that will give relevant results. In this interactive session we will simply introduce the principles and practicalities of design of on-farm experiments. We will hear from experts from Rothamsted Research, ADAS and the […]