Jilly McNaughton

Jilly McNaughton


Jilly worked in Public Affairs and PR in Westminster and Singapore before pursuing her passion for conservation as Communications Manager at Fauna & Flora International. Since 2012 Jilly has been helping FWAG East communicate, in particular in the media and online, and through the CFE campaign and Silver Lapwing Award. In 2020 she began helping FWAG East deliver Natural England’s District Level Licensing scheme for great crested newts.

Farm Ponds – Redundant Relics or Bastions of Biodiversity?

Stand PF E1 (FWAG)

Join The Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) on a hunt for ghost ponds and hear from UCL pond restoration expert Professor Carl Sayer on how these precious yet overlooked habitats can be regenerated to deliver huge gains for farmland biodiversity.
