Olivia Wilson

Olivia Wilson


Olivia Wilson is a flower grower and florist. She runs British Flower Studio Wetherly where she offers seasonal floristry services and sustainability consultancy as well as being co-founder of SSAW Collective advocating for progressive ecological change in our food, floral and farming systems. She is a member of the Flowers from the Farm Steering Group and The Sustainable Cut Flowers Project’s Plastic, Waste and Packaging Working Group. She feels lucky to have found a way to meaningfully use floristry as a tool for social good co-founding Bread & Roses.

British Cut Flower Revival: Farming & Flowers a Match Made in Heaven

Discussion Tent

What does agroecological flower growing look like and how does it fit within the current regenerative movement? We will discuss potential collaborations, routes to market and inclusion of flower farming in land use and food system debates. Watch here: British Cut Flower Revival: Farming & Flowers a Match Made in Heaven


British Cut Flower Revival: Farming & Flowers – Networking

Discussion Tent

Are you a flower grower without land to grow? Are you a farmer with areas of land that are unsuitable to work in your current model? We are here to bring together the ultimate guided networking session. Why not join us to explore whether you are the perfect match for a grower or land owner […]

Speed Dating