Patrick Barker

Patrick Barker


Patrick farms with his cousin, Brian at Lodge Farm, a 1,300-acre arable farm in North Suffolk, where their core ethos is high yields and top wildlife conservation. The Farm is a LEAF demonstration farm, has just tied up its 6-year tenure as an AHDB Strategic Farm and featured on the BBC Wild Isles series showcasing the importance of Farmland for UK wildlife. Patrick has recorded a wealth of biodiversity on farm, including pollinators rarely documented in the region e.g. the Blackthorn mining bee, Blunthorn nomad bee and the Ruderal bumblebee, challenging the notion that farmland is a biodiversity desert.

Sensing Change: Taxonomy or Technology?

Stand DF C38 (AHDB)

In this session we will be joined by two farmers who have taken different approaches to biodiversity baselining, and a farmland ecologist empowering farmers to take control of their own biodiversity data, to ask; ‘does farmland have a lack of biodiversity OR a lack of biodiversity data?’ and ‘Where does the value lie in biodiversity […]