Clive Thomas

Clive Thomas


Clive Thomas is Soil Association’s senior adviser for forestry, leading on regenerative forestry advice including the integration of trees and woodland management into farming systems, as well as policy development in response to voluntary carbon and natural capital markets. Clive is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters and has worked in private and state forestry sectors during a 30+ year career managing forests and developing forest policy. As well as his advisory work, Clive is an experienced forestry trainer, delivering courses and workshops on a wide range of topics under the Soil Association’s regenerative forestry theme, including agroforestry, FSC® accredited courses and responsible forest management capacity building for partners in the UK and around the world.

Whole Farm Trees Planning for Regenerative Farming

Agroforestry Tent (PF B12)

Although agroforestry has raised awareness of the opportunity to integrate trees into farming systems, how do we ensure the whole of the farm treescape existing and future (woodland, incidental agroforestry, hedgerows) gets integrated into the planning and management of the whole farm? Come along to this session and find out more about whole farm tree […]