Dr Sarah Cook

Dr Sarah Cook


Dr Sarah Cook is an arable weed specialist and senior research consultant for ADAS. With a BSc in Agricultural Science and PhD in Agronomy, Sarah has over 30 years’ experience in the arable industry. Her work spans all aspects of arable crop production including weed management, agronomy and integrated crop production. Recognised as a leading UK expert in sustainable agriculture, Sarah wrote the AHDB guide to controlling arable weeds in the rotation. Sarah regularly contributes to leading farming publications, such as Farmers Weekly and CPM, on non-chemical weed control, herbicides and sustainable management of grass weeds including blackgrass and brome.

Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]


Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]
