Rachel Richards

Rachel Richards


Rachel is an ecologist, naturalist and B-Lines Officer for Buglife. She grew up in Shetland working on an island croft. She has worked for Fera science assessing CS options on farms in the north-east of England. She represents Buglife with the NFFN and Farm Wildlife and has input to the new ELMS, SFS and AECS, providing advice and guidance on how best to support invertebrates, especially pollinators, on farms. Rachel is a keen botanist, bird watcher and amateur entomologist, particularly interested in bees and wasps. She is passionate about supporting farmers to consider the needs of invertebrates alongside other priorities.

Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]


Biodiversity Bimble

Safari Tent

Meet ADAS scientists and Farm Wildlife entomologists and learn to recognise some key farmland invertebrates and wild plants. Take a stroll with Daisy Headley and Allison Clarke from Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Rachel Richards from Buglife, and ADAS entomologists Elysia Bartel, Jude Bennison, and plant scientists Douglas Brown and Dr Sarah Cook. Come on the guided […]
